Best Lower Bicep Routine I've Found
"Look at the unflexed arm. Notice how the long head and lower bicep just draw your eyes to it?"
We’ll be talking about Lower Biceps, Long head of Tricep, Forearms, Vastus Internus, Thigh Biceps and Calves. By the way... we’re not just talking about making these muscles larger but unique ways to make them more beautiful. I’ll admit, writing about arms is almost anti-climactic. I’ve written so much about them in the past but... there’s no question, its impossible to pull your eyes away from a great set of arms that’s why they’re included in the Nine Pivot Points.
Arms don’t have to be huge to be crowd stoppers. They do have to be beautiful however and... when it comes to biceps lower bicep is the stunner.
When I first started training at Vince’s Gym I felt intimidated by almost everyone because so many guys were bigger than me but... there was one in particular by the name of Hossein Soukoff who wasn’t that huge but... man he had good muscle shape. Especially his lower bicep. It was uncanny. His best photo was a shot where he would flex one arm and stick the other one straight up overhead in a position where the bicep was at a disadvantage but... his weren’t because, right where his bicep started... it jumped out like a shelf.
It made you keep turning back to the picture. You couldn’t get enough of it. You’d stick yours up in the same position just to compare and it made you marvel all the more.
I don’t know whether Hossein had some secret way of training or it was just his genetics because he’d never say. One day I asked him, “Hossein, what’s your secret for biceps”.

“Oh, I just do a few curls now and then.” Then he would look over at Vince and smile. I never knew whether he was putting me on but... I sure was crazy about his bicep development. Matter of fact, I’ve long been fascinated with biceps and having Hossein around just added fuel to the fire. Consequently, I tried every conceivable thing to build lower biceps and after 25 years here’s...

The Best Lower Bicep Routine I’ve Ever Found

"A Great Preacher Bench! "
First you’ve got to have a pretty good Preacher Bench.
Over the years I’ve welded, padded and refined the design of this little bench to where it is as close to perfection as anything I’ve seen.
I’ve learned, when it’s designed right it’s great. If not, it’s lousy. In fact, many exercises do a better job than one of those hard, flat faced, preacher benches.
But... let’s assume you have a bench with at least a convex face. If you’ve got this much you can have some fun. The key to this exercise working its magic requires doing the exercise while standing so you can throw your hips under you when the weight gets heavy.
The most effective system is a tri-set series as follows:

First, select a set of dumbbells you can handle for about 6 reps... a barbell about 70% of the weight of the dumbbells and an EZ curl bar loaded to 80% of the weight of the dumbbells. For example I use 70 lb dumbbells, a 100 lb barbell and 120lb on the EZ curl bar.
"The DB Curls are done with the elbows about half way down the bench."
Once you get this setup, you’re ready for some serious work. It’s best if you have a training partner because it gives you a better pace.
First, place a towel on the bench to keep your skin from catching. Start off with the DB curls in a fairly loose style. Don’t get the armpits right down on the bench. Place the elbows just a little lower than the crown of the bench. For this to work, the face of the bench needs to be not only curved but short enough to keep the dumbbells from hitting the bottom of the face. It doesn’t matter if you cheat to get the dumbbells up. You do however, need to let the dumbbells all the way down and completely uncurl the wrists at the bottom of the exercise. It’s okay to pull back with the shoulders to assist in getting the weight back to the top of the exercise. The 6th rep should really be tough, it should be just about the last rep possible even on the first series. Once at the top of the 6th rep, do at least (4) 1\2 rep “burns”.
A “burn” is done as follows... Let the weight down to the point that it’s just going to fall and bring it back up again. By the way, if your bench has a flat face, this movement is terrible. It hurts your forearms and elbows. You need to have the rounded face for this to feel good.
Next, set the DB’s down and immediately, with no rest, pick up the barbell with a grip approximately 4 inches wider than your shoulders. Chalk the palms heavily to keep from slipping. Nestle the armpits clear down on the bench, (the bench needs to be well padded on the crown to eliminate any armpit pain). Let the feet go
"BB curls are done super strict, with the armpits all the way down the bench."
forward so you are resting on the bench with the body. Slowly lower the BB with the wrists curled until you come to the complete bottom of the exercise. Uncurl the wrists totally. Then with no movement of the upper body whatsoever, slowly curl the wrists and force the arms to come up. Don’t cheat even a smidgen. Keep the shoulders and the head forward. Look for ways to make this exercise strict. The bar will come up very slowly, but it will come up if you... have faith and endure the pain...

It is excruciating. But it’s the heart of the series. Don’t cheat at all. Do 6 reps with 4 burns on the top as you did with the DB’s.
Set the barbell down and immediately pick up the EZ curl bar with a reverse grip. The weight should be so heavy you can just barely make 6 reps. This form is very similar to the one you used for the DB curls. Use a heavy weight just as you did on the DB curls. Do 6 reps and 4 burns with the EZ curl bar.
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menu precedent
Best Lower Bicep Routine I've Found
The Best Method For Packing Muscle On Your Shoulders
Don't Just Get Big... Get Beautiful
Focusing On Side Deltoids
Forearms That Look Like Bowling Pins
Important little details
How To Get Your Muscles Eating Fat
The Power Of The Synapse
Fat Burning Fire Around Your Whole Midsection
The Secret To Pain Free Joints
Triceps That Hang Down Like Loves Of Bread
Vastus Internus & Thigh Biceps

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